Sparky Recomended Us
Dates Location Hosts
January No Outing
February 4-6 Gilroy Garlic RV Park Judi & Marlon Brandle
March 13-15 Red Bluff KOA TBA
April 17-19 Feather Falls KOA - Oroville TBA
May 11-14 * ** Winchester Bay RV Park - Oregon TBA
June To Be Announced TBA
July 7-10 * ** Bodega Bay RV Park TBA
August 10-13 * ** Flying Flags RV Park - Buellton TBA
September To Be Announced TBA
October 22-25 * ** Jackson Rancheria RV Park TBA
November To Be Announced TBA
December 1-4 * ** Flag City RV Park All Club Christmas Outing
* Weekday outing
** 4 Day Outing
A Typical Weekend Outing Schedule
Most of our outings begin on Thursday and go for three days. Some members choose to come in a day early and/or stay a day later.
Our outings are planned well in advance so people can plan ahead. We try to go out on the third weekend of most months, but it depends on availability of space in a campground.
We alternate travel in December, one year we will have an outing and have a catered dinner at the RV park and the next year we will not travel, but have a Christmas dinner party, at a local restaurant.
We are a very friendly group who enjoy our various vehicles and each other and look forward to our outings.
Friday evening is usually free for relaxing and visiting. Many of our members like to go to a local restaurant for dinner that night or more recently, we have been having "heavy hors'dourves" instead of dinner and it is not unusual to enjoy cocktails or wine.
Saturday morning we have a potluck breakfast. The "host couple" decide ahead of time what will be served, and each "rig" is assigned something to bring. It's been as simple as a pancake breakfast to Eggs Benedict.
Saturday afternoon is free to do as you wish. Some people like to relax, read, visit and stay in the campground. Others like to sightsee in the area and we kind of do what feels best for ourselves.
Occasionally there will be a craft project for anyone who is interested, and card or board games.
Saturday evening we have a potluck dinner, again decided by the "host couple" and because it may be a "themed" event, we will see a wide assortment of appetizers, salads and desserts. The entree is usually provided by the hosts. No one goes hungry, that's for sure!
After our meal, we all pitch in and wash dishes, rearrange the clubhouse furniture and cleanup. Some people are plum tuckered out from a full day and retire for the evening to their RV. Many times, a group will stay in the clubhouse and play card games, "Apples to Apples" or whatever suits our fancy.
Sunday mornings are usually busy with packing up and saying goodbye to each other as we head back home. It isn't unusual though, to have more than one rig stay an additional night and use Sunday for more exploration of the area or relaxing.